《破产姐妹》,是由美国CBS电视台播出的情景喜剧,由麦可·派翠克·金与惠特妮·卡明联手打造,制作公司为华纳兄弟电视。该片由詹姆斯·伯罗斯 导演,讲述了两个有着不同背景的女孩为了共同的成功努力建立起貌似不太可能的友谊的故事。
1.You know, every time I come here, I'm surprised you're still open.
2 Actually the only time my mother bought milk was when my face was on the side of the carton.
3 This guy has a brand-new apple. I've been eating the same apple for a week.
4 If I learned anything as a child, It's when a stranger offers you candy, You say yes.
5 I mean, this place is so unappealing, even I don't look good here.
6 I use the box our soap comes in as a wallet.
7 Might as well face it. You and I are on our own.
8 Actually the only time my mother bought milk was when my face was on the side of the carton.
9 Han, you can't let your mommy keep bullying you. Stand up to her. You're a 53-year-old man.
10 I can't believe you masking taped the shoe to your leg.
11 hey,if u got a second,stop looking at my boobs.
12 Everybody can suck it !
13 Max:we are poor,not creakheads.
14 Max!Coupon is genius!
15 And the broken hip C: As it turns out, we're gonna need 500 more. M: For what? Did your dues for the serial killer's union and the pedophile guild come up at the same time this year?
《都市女孩》中两个有着不同背景的女孩为了共同的成功努力建立起貌似不太可能的友谊,她们的当务之急就是赚到钱。会来事儿的Max为了生计打着两份工,其中之一就是在威廉姆斯堡餐厅值夜班当服务生;家境不错的Caroline 可以说是生活在城外的公主,但是在坏运气到来的时候她也不得不硬着头皮当上了服务生。起初Max见到Caroline以为她又是一个得让自己帮忙照应的笨手笨脚的家伙,但后来她发现Caroline还有两把刷子。
Caroline发现Max有独特的秘诀能制作出极为美味的纸杯蛋糕,她以此看见了她们富有的未来,但要做的第一件是就是凑够本钱。当然,在努力攒小费的同时,她们还要和餐厅里的其他人一起共事,这包括总爱挑逗女孩的乌克兰厨师Oleg 、75岁的收银员Earl 以及餐厅的新老板Han Lee 。这两个生活在高消费城市的“破产女孩”在一起工作,可能这会是她们人生新转折的绝佳起点。