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热点经典对白快乐elife经典台词圣经里十种爱的方法 在圣经里用什么表达爱食来孕转经典台词幸福从天而降郑业台词神犬奇兵三连台词减肥励志语录沧月经典语录初恋这件小事精彩对白

随机经典对白完美世界经典语录匆匆那年经典语录暴走大事件经典语录无处可逃经典台词后会无期经典语录开讲啦张杰经典语录 磨难是最好的礼物中国梦想秀经典台词阎魔爱经典台词

时间:2014-09-24 21:30:14来源:小谜语 分类:经典对白

27. [from trailer]
Yellow Bastard:Recognize my voice, Hartigan? Recognize my voice, you piece-of-shit cop? I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice!

28. Dwight:Where to fight, it counts for a lot. But there's nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns.

29. Jack Rafferty:You want to see it? You wanna see what I got?
Becky:I've seen all shapes, all sizes.
Jack Rafferty:[pulls gun] You seen this one?

30. [from trailer]
Jack Rafferty:You wanna see it? You wanna see what I got?

31. Senator Rourk:Evening, Officer. I don't have to introduce myself, do I? You read the papers. This being an election year, you've seen plenty of my picture. You know what I can do. And I'm doing you, Hartigan. Cold and hard, I'm doing you.

32. Klump:And, if my current state of much-justified petulance permits me to press the point, you are likeways demonstratably bereft of a working understanding of the perimeters of our beforementioned mission at hand.
Klump:Relevant to said mission is the following query I now put forth to you. Said query concerning matters strictly spatial in nature... Wherein this most streamlined and trunkless of transports, boner-inspiring though it may be, wherein are we to reposit our recently deceased cargo?

33. Jack Rafferty:You're gonna love this, baby.

34. Dwight:It's your apartment. But be careful, Shellie, this clown's got big, mean drunk-on and he's got four friends out there in the hall, breathing hard and just as drunk as he is.
Jack Rafferty:Hey, I could swear I heard somebody in there with you, just now. You got somebody with you, baby? You be honest with me. You owe me that much.
Shellie:Somebody? Jackie Boy, it's a regular African love-fest in here. I got me all five starters and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company. You feel like taking them on?
Jack Rafferty:You're teasing me, baby. I'm no racist.

35. Lucille:[screaming] He made me watch!

36. Klump:I can only express puzzlement, that borders on alarm.

37. Dwight:Do I risk it all and take this cop down?

38. Marv:Lucille's my parole officer. She's a dyke, but God knows why. With that body of hers she could have any man she wants.

39. Cardinal Roark:[holding Kevin's head before Marv kills him] We're going home, Kevin.

40. Shellie:[after Dwight drowns Jackie-Boy in his own urine] Dwight, what did you do to him?
Dwight:I gave him a taste of his own medicine.

41. John Hartigan:[pounding Yellow Bastard into floor]
John Hartigan:Eight long years, you son of a bitch!

42. Cop:There's no sign of him!
Marv:Here's a sign!
[hits cop in groin with hatchet]

43. [Hartigan is on his way to go save a girl from a rapist]
Bob:I'm gonna get on the horn and wait for back-up. We're gonna wait for back-up!
John Hartigan:Sure, Bob. You'll call for back-up. And we'll sit on our hands while that Roark brat gets his sick thrills from viction number four. Victim number four! Nancy Callahan. Age 11. She'll be raped and slashed to ribbons. And that back-up we're waiting on will just happen to show up late enough to let Roark get back home to his U.S. Senator daddy and everything will be fine until Junior gets the itch again.
Bob:Take a deep breath, Hartigan. Settle down and think straight. You're pushing 60. You've got a bum ticker. You're not saving anybody.
John Hartigan:You've got a great attitude, Bob. You're a great cop. A real credit to the force, you are.
Bob:Eileen's home waiting for you. Think about Eileen.
John Hartigan:Heck, Bob. Maybe you're right.
Bob:I'm glad to hear you're finally talking sense!
[Hartigan punches Bob in the face]
John Hartigan:[narrating] Hell of a way to end a partnership. Hell of a way to start my retirement.

44. Marv:You can scream now if you want.

45. John Hartigan:[to Nancy] Whatever he does to you: don't scream.

46. Marv:Hell's waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you're here.

47. Marv:I'm on my feet for about ten minutes before the cops kick them out from under me. They don't ask me any questions. They just keep knocking the crap out of me and waving a confession in my face. And I keep spitting blood all over it and laughing at how many fresh copies they come up with. Then along comes this worm assistant district attorney who turns the recorder off and says if I don't sign their confession, they'll kill my mom. I break his arm in three places and I sign it.

48. John Hartigan:Skinny little Nancy Callahan. She grew up. She filled out.

49. [after Jackie-Boy's head explodes]
Manute:No, McCarthy, you shit!

50. Jack Rafferty:Come on in the car, baby.
Becky:I'm sorry. I do the day shift and it's been a long day. Besides, I don't do group jobs.
Jack Rafferty:Come on in and we can just have a nice talk.
Becky:I don't do talk jobs either.

51. John Hartigan:Aim careful, and look the devil in the eye.

52. Dwight:Deadly little Miho. She won't let you feel a thing unless she wants you to. She twists the blade. He feels it.

53. [Marv?s last line]
Marv:Is that the best you can do, you pansies?

54. Marv:[to Kevin] I got you now, ya little bastard. Let's see you hop around now.

55. Marv:Wait a second. Why'd she call you Wendy?
Wendy:Because that's my name, you ape. Goldie was my sister. My twin sister.
Marv:I guess she was the nice one.

56. Stuka:[after getting shot with an arrow] Hey... Will ya look at that? It's right through me. Guys, look. It's cut a hole right through me.
Schutz:There's something wrapped around it. Some kind of note.
Manute:Give it to me.
Stuka:Guys, this is starting to really hurt. Just look at it. It's poked a hole right through me. Guys?
Manute:[reading the note] McCarthy, you fool.
Stuka:Guys, don't you think maybe somebody oughta call a doctor for me or something? This isn't the kind of thing you just ignore, guys.
Manute:Out back. Everyone. Bring the women.

57. John Hartigan:There's wrong, and there's wrong, and there's *this*.

58. John Hartigan:When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.

59. Marv:He never screams. Even after the dog has its fill and his guts are hanging out, he never screams.

60. Dwight:I tell little Miho what has to be done. Then I?ll make the most important phone call in my life.

61. Dwight:Miho. You're an angel. You're a saint. You're Mother Teresa. You're Elvis. You're God. And if you'd shown up about ten minutes earlier, we'd still have Jackie-Boy's head.


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