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时间:2014-09-24 20:21:24来源:小谜语 分类:范文大全

And before this, New Year's day is always the first day of the lunar year means. Yuan is "beginning" "beginning" mean, denier means "day", New Year's day, the company that is "initial day", also is the first day of the year. On sep. 27, 1949 the Chinese people's political consultative conference the first tentative plenary session resolution: "the People's Republic of China by the Christian confence approved, that is what we call the solar calendar, in order to distinguish the lunar New Year, and two to the solar calendar in view of the lunar year" of "24 solar terms in just before and after the lunar New Year, so he put on the lunar calendar renamed" Spring Festival ", the solar calendar as "New Year's day on January 1, thus, the New Year's day to become national people's joy festival.

Celebration of the New Year began to celebrate the New Year's day is, countries in the world over the common custom. In our country, but also on the national holidays. China and the most countries in the world, district the Gregorian calendar dating method, the January 1st as the beginning of the New Year, called the "New Year's day".

Because of the longitude of the world in different locations, countries of time is also different, accordingly, "new date there are also different. Such as Oceania located in the west of the RiJieXian island-state, it is the first day of the first place, also be to celebrate New Year's country. Located in the east side of the RiJieXian XiSaMaYa is the world's most late start a new day of place. According to the calendar to count, our country is the world's first start New Year 12 countries.


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